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How Much Of A Cruise Ship Is Under Water

How Much of a Cruise Ship Is Under Water?

The Hidden Depths of Cruise Ships

Cruise ships are enormous vessels that tower over the ocean, but a significant portion of their structure lies hidden beneath the waves. When fully loaded with cargo and fuel, cruise ships typically sit between 12-15 feet below sea level. On average, approximately 40% of a cruise ship sits below water, with generally about 10% of the ship's height (around 30 feet for the largest cruise ships) submerged.

The Importance of the Underwater Portion

The underwater portion of a cruise ship serves several crucial purposes:

  • It provides stability by distributing the ship's weight and creating a wide base.
  • It houses essential systems, such as engines, generators, and water tanks.
  • It facilitates underwater operations, such as anchoring and maneuvering.
